Would you like to follow both the trend of a stock and Software Umanot operations based on Physical Analysis? Would you like to do a real benchmark of your algorithms based on eitherTechnical Analysis or your personal criteria? You can do it on www.umanot.com for free.

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  • Buys: blue arrows with “Buy 1000” notice (always 1000 stocks, because UMANOT doesn’t manage an effective Money Management yet. It’s planned in the next version.)
  • Sell: red arrows with “Short 1000” notice. 
  • Every short, in the current version without Money Management, closes all previous Buy operations and opens a Short operation at-the-market price. And vice versa, for every Buy.
  • So, UMANOT, in this version, is always “at market”; in a next version, it will be only partially “at market” due to advanced criteria, consistent with Physical Analysis, of StopLoss, of Trailing Stop, of Money Management.
  • IMPORTANT: the images and the operations shown are e WITHOUT ANY STOP-LOSS OR TRAILING-STOP INSERTION, left to reader’s practice andcare.
  • Positive/negative operations: highlighted by oblique pointed lines (green: profit-closed operations; red: loss-closed operations; absence of oblique pointed line: operation still open with potential profits or losses).
  • Horizontal hatched lines: 4 kinds of Attractors (see: Physical Analysis) as: Long-Attractor (blue hatching) – Short (red), open Gap (violet), open pseudoGap (yellow). Please, be aware that the “pure” Attractors (green) are not shown.
  •  Behavioral Symbols (ex.: B, AE, S, etc.) - see: Physical Analysis): UMANOT observes and records, writing 9 Behavioral Symbols (here only 5 are shown), the behavior “here&now” of the price bar around the Attractors, with no numerical elaboration on past data. From the reading of those Symbols (still partial in the current version), UMANOT understands and learns the complex evolutions of Stocks – “here&how”, without algorithmic distortions or Mass Media conditioning.
  • “Glitch”: this term means Volumes discontinuity, in one of the 4 kind categorized (see: Physical Analysis, where Volumes represent the most important information, representing the energy of the “physical phenomenon” observed).

 IMPORTANT: for a complete knowledge of terminology, operative criteria and the physical principles of stock Physical Analysis, you can:

- Buy the book "Dalle balle alle bolle - come cavalcare l'imprevedibilità dei mercati finanziari" - con elementi di Analisi Fisica

- Request an online “Web Studio” Consultancy (some slots are for free)

-  Attend a Coaching session (also online)

And now… in action!

Free service temporarily unavailable. For the alert service via SMS/email  on the most interesting movement of a stock of your choice, write to  (pay service).

 .... POST



IMPORTANT: the images and the operations shown are WITHOUT ANY STOP-LOSS OR TRAILING-STOP INSERTION, left to reader’s practice  and care.

In the new prototype version (Beta-site) v1.9,  there have been introduced first criteria (to be further developed) of TRAILING-STOP (operations with “TS”) – that are anyway left to reader’s practice  and care.



Chart- zoom

Chart- full

OPERATIONS from ……. = ……

OPERATIONS from …….  With Profits – Losses: ……


SW: UMANOT Version 1.9 – with important performances and additional protections compared to previous v1.5



What would have your methodology (Technical Analysis? Which indicators combination? Which data series?) done in this context?

Share it with us: staff@umanot.com

 Thanks for your contribution!

For the development and the wellness of Traders


IMPORTANT:  we suggest to every reader of this page to adapt possible investments, to be decided autonomously with no indications from Umanot Srl, to his own risk profile.


In the chart, Umanot operates always with a quantity of 1000, because it doesn’t apply yet optimized criteria of Money Management (in case you want to operate, pay attention to this aspect for your personal Money Management!)

In addition, for every possible operation that the reader will autonomously and responsibly decide for,  Umanot Srl will be free from any responsibility, involvement and conditioning.


The reader of this page entirely accepts the Umanot Srl’s “Disclaimer” document available at the following link.



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